Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's Not Who I Am...It's Who He Can Make Me...

I am the kind of person who thrives on a schedule. My world is in synch when I know what to expect from one hour to the next. I guess it might have something to do with the fact that my father was a Boy Scout and always likes to be prepared. I like things planned out. I don’t do well with interruptions or unexpected events. Or at least, I tend to…when I let my human nature come forth, but lately I've been much more accepting of the unexpected. So when these times do occur (and with a newborn in the house, it’s daily) I know it must be the Holy Spirit working in me, rather than myself. That is what the power of God can do; give us the ability to do what is not typical of us.

If I didn’t know better, I would be amazed by it. But I do know, because I have learned how great my God is. Yes, I’m still learning and will continue to learn about Him until the glorious day that I meet Him face to face.

Until then…I get to see His work in me. Of course, that work will not come to fruition unless I give Him the control over my life daily.

“Heavenly Father, I do not want to do things my way. I can’t do things my way. I want You to have the control. I want the Holy Spirit to work in me.”

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