Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bird Suet Cakes

This is a fun activity that any age will enjoy. It combines several subjects:
- Math (Measurements)
- Science (Nature and Wildlife)
- Bible (God's Creation)

It's definitely one for wintertime, as the cakes will melt in the sun. Birds will love them, so have fun with it!

Recipe by Alberta Morgan
15 min | 15 min prep
SERVES 8 , 8 cakes

1 lb lard (no substitutes)
2 cups chunky peanut butter (cheapest is fine)
2 cups cornmeal
2 cups flour (any kind)
2 cups oatmeal (any kind)
1/3 cup sugar
2 cups bird seed
1 cup dried fruits (optional)

Melt lard and peanut butter, in microwave oven about 3 minutes, stirring each minute; then add in all other ingredients and mix together.

Scrape into flat pan (913), cool in refrigerator until hard.

Cut to desired size and wrap in plastic wrap or foil.

Refrigerate or freeze until ready to use.

Place in small mesh bag (old produce bags work) and hang where birds can reach. You can also purchase inexpensive suet cake cages from retail stores.

Watch that other critters cannot get to it.

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