The fish tank smells. I noticed it a couple of days ago, but I've been trying to ignore it. There's a fish floating on top, and one has fallen to the bottom of the tank. There just goldfish and we bought them for a science experiment. But...nonetheless...they must be disposed of and the tank needs a good cleaning. I knew it would come to this. We aren't even fish people. We spend months at a time in Wisconsin. We travel in our motor-home all over the place. What were we supposed to do? Bring the stinky little bowl with us? Living our life around the dog is one thing. We no longer fly from home to home (WA to WI) because we would have to leave him behind or forever traumatize him. So...we drive. And that means the fish would have to come, too. Part of me is glad they are "getting flushed", but the other part of me feels bad. After all, I took them into my care. They are God's creatures, too. But then I snap back from "Lala land" and realize life can be a cruel, cruel thing. Sorry little fishes. Thanks for filling in that corner of my desk where I had longed to put a plant (another impossibility for me these days).
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