When I was about six or so I starting this on-going prank with my dad. When he would be taking a shower I would sneak in with a glass of cold water, dump it over the curtain on him, and then run out giggling. He was always a good sport about it, so naturally, when I got married I decided to carried on the same tradition with my husband, who was also a good sport. However, payback did come... I've learn to appreciate the symbolism in that prank.
Like a cold glass of water in the shower, life can be just as startling. Imagine standing there under the warm flow of comforting water, lost in thought (some of my best ideas come from my time there), and then suddenly you're hit with shocking cold water. At first it takes your breath away and you might let out a holler. Then, surprisingly, there is a bit of refreshment, like jumping into a lake. It's that refreshment that I'm applying to life right now.
How wonderful a glass of cool water would be to someone traveling through the desert. That is just how life has seemed to Robin and me over the past few years. Many "shower scenes" have felt like a shock to the system at first and then have turned out to be refreshment from God. I love it when He leads us through these teachable moments. Now, nothing I say would have much significance if I didn't apply scripture to it. So here it is...
"Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land." Proverbs 25:25
So take that and put it in your canteen!