My husband is a self-made business man. He would never consider starting a business without first making up a business plan, and so it makes sense that we should have one for home schooling as well. After all, our children are the best "investment" we have. I decided to condense our "plan" into ten simple reasons why we made this very big decision.
Top 10 reasons to home-school (for our family):
1. We are able to teach ALL subjects from a Biblical perspective, as God expects us to. This enforces our goal of raising children to be compassionate, respectful, kind, loving, giving and confident. It also allows us to fully teach our children the love of Christ, so that they can someday share that love with others.
2. It brings us closer together as a family. We are so blessed to truly know our children. Whether it is their likes, dislikes, struggles, or gifts, we are there at every part of their day, to help them with their journey through life. Study after study has proven that families who spend quality time together are less likely to have children turn to drugs or promiscuity.
3. We can truly know each of our children's learning styles and customize their education. One-on-one instruction has more lasting results than a group setting.
4. We can get more done in 3-4 hours of personal instruction than the time it takes to teach 20 children in a classroom with 6-7 hours. This frees up the rest of our day for different ways of learning, such as physical fitness, performing chores, learning in the kitchen with Mom or in the garage with Dad. This also gives us time during the day for classes or sports outside the home that are offered specifically to home schoolers, like choir, ballet, art, or swim lessons. This prevents the crazy "running around" hours of the afternoon and evening that so many parents complain about. It gives us the chance to sit down to dinner (healthy home cooked meals) together and have free time for watching movies or playing games or reading for pleasure. It allows our children have time to just play and be children!
5. It gives us flexibility. It allows us the opportunity to travel whenever we want. We can go see family or explore the wonderful places like national or state parks and historical monuments. We can do a little school work during the summer and then take off the whole Christmas season for enjoying winter time activities or volunteer our time helping others.
6. It allows us to teach our children the proper way to socialize with regard for respecting others and having self-respect. What is a better environment for learning socialization, a parent-guided setting or the playground at recess where the recess monitor can't even see half of what goes on? I know the difference...I did plenty of recess duty! Children will push their boundaries of behavior as far as they can if their parents are not around to see it.
7. We get to decide what our children learn, how they will learn it, and when they are ready to learn it. I learned about sex on the playground from my peers and it was frightening (and inaccurate). We will sit down with each of our children and explain it as God has designed it. They will understand the beauty of reproduction, because God created life. We also want to make sure our children learn true U.S. history, not the "politically correct" version taught in public school that skips over the religious motivation behind forming our country. We want them to know that God has blessed our country because we trusted Him, and that men and women choose to serve in our military and fight in wars because they love America and know the price of our freedom.
8. We want them to decide who they want to be, not their peers. They don't need to strive for "perfection". They just need to let God's wisdom lead them to be who He has designed them to be.
9. We know that they are safe. We don't have to worry about metal detectors or see-through book bags or bullies on the school bus. When we turn on the news and hear about another school shooting, we can look over and see our precious gifts sitting safely at the kitchen table coloring away.
10. Lastly, parent-guided teaching has been around since the beginning humanity. Public education has only been around since the 1800's. Which one has a better chance of survival in the long run?
How a parent handles their child's education is a personal choice that we all have to make. Just because this is our choice and it works for us, does not mean we don't respect or appreciate the educational choices of others. We have unusual circumstances that make home-schooling work for us. I know moms that work outside the home and they are doing an EXCELLENT job with their children. I commend them! I had a great public school experience, too. But like I said...this just works for us!
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